
Michael and Tommy

Michael (age 5) and Tommy (age 2) are full siblings who were placed in foster care eight months ago, due to concerns around emotional abuse and neglect. When they lived with their first family there were lots of worries that the boys were not getting the stimulation or sense of safety they needed. Since being placed in foster care, Michael and Tommy have come on leaps and bounds!

Michael and Tommy are loving and active little boys who both enjoy being busy. Michael is boisterous and energetic and thrives on adult attention, while Tommy is more cautious at first. Michael is a happy, funny and affectionate little boy who likes to do things for himself and has developed age-appropriate skills, such as dressing himself and using cutlery. Michael also likes to help with simple tasks such as washing dishes and tidying up. He loves Thomas the Tank engine and can name all the other characters! Michael also enjoys soft play, visits to the park, jigsaws and looking at books and having stories read to him. Michael’s foster carer has shared that he is a very sociable little boy and that he can be over-friendly with strangers he bumps into whilst out and about. There are no current concerns regarding Michael’s development.

Michael has just started school and loves it. He gets on well with other children and adults. Michael has some speech delay but everyone who knows him has commented on how much progress he has made in this area since he was placed in care. It is likely that this delay is due to the neglect he has experienced and with support he will catch up quickly.

Tommy is described as an easy-going little boy who is a little more reserved than his brother, but very interested in the world around him. Tommy loves the outdoors and especially trips to the park and the beach in all weathers! Tommy has a good imagination and likes to play with castles, cars, trains and his toy kitchen. Tommy also enjoys singing songs, children’s TV programmes and story time, often asking to go for trips to the library to get more books. Tommy has just started attending nursery and enjoys this, engaging well with play-based learning and his peers. There are no current concerns around his development.

Michael and Tommy’s foster carers have said it is a delight caring for the boys and that they love seeing the boys run up to each other for a hug when they get picked up from nursery and school. Michael and Tommy’s carers hope the boys’ new family have lots of energy, love, patience and ideally eyes in the back of their heads! They are confident the children will bring lots of joy into any family they join.

The boys have an older half-sister who has a plan of long-term fostering. Michael and Tommy spent lots of time with their sister before they were placed in foster care and have continued to see her monthly since. Michael and Tommy love their sister and it is hoped the children can have some direct contact in the future.


Ethnic and cultural descent:

White British.

Family needed:

A one or two parent family who can meet and support the boys’ needs, both now and in the future.

Contact plans:

Yearly two-way letterbox contact with birth family will help Michael and Tommy understand their background and promote their identity. The children also have an older half-sister and it is hoped they could have some direct contact, in addition to letters.

Legal Status:

Full care order and placement order granted.