

Lily (age 3) is a bundle of energy and fun who glows with mischief. Lily loves to play and make people laugh and she is very affectionate towards people who are important to her. Lily has been in the same foster placement since birth and a plan of adoption was agreed when she was one, but there have been delays in finding her a family due to the uncertainty around her health and development.

Lily was born prematurely and is delayed in her physical and social development. Lily is very slight in stature, so she looks like a younger child.  Lily has recently been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and this has helped those who know Lily meet her needs more effectively. Several health professionals are involved with Lily to ensure she gets everything she needs, including a Paediatrician, dietician and speech and language and physiotherapy teams. Lily was delayed in walking but is now perfectly able to get about (very quickly according to her foster carer!). It is possible that Lily has been affected by her mother’s alcohol use during pregnancy, but no diagnosis has been made around this.

Lily is not a particularly good eater nor sleeper, but she is continuing to make progress in many areas and her foster carer is hopeful these issues will soon improve. Lily can present as a child who is often in her own little world, who does things at her own pace; however, she is also very rewarding to care for and has an innocence about her that warms everyone’s hearts. There remains uncertainty around Lily’s potential future development and it is likely that Lily will require a specialist education provision, at least in her early years of school. Lily needs a family who can advocate for her, help her reach her full potential - whatever that may be - and celebrate all her accomplishments moving forward.

Due to concerns around physical abuse and neglect, Lily was not able to be discharged at birth into her first family’s care. Lily is of Bangladeshi and Pakistani descent and her first family are practicing Muslims. Lily has resided in a foster placement with White British carers since birth and they have respected her first family’s wishes in respect of Lily’s diet and sought to promote her heritage. Lily’s understanding of religion is limited at this time, however, it is hoped that her adoptive family will be able to, as a minimum, teach her about Islam and her heritage and support her choices around this when she is older.


Ethnic and cultural descent:

Bangladeshi and Pakistani. Muslim.

Family needed:

A two parent family, or one parent with a strong support network, who can meet and support Lily’s needs now and in the future.

Contact plans:

Yearly two-way letterbox contact with birth parents.

Legal Status:

Full care order and placement order granted.